2024-25 Annual Pledge Drive
The annual pledge drive is Alcott's largest fundraiser. Alcott is committed to ensuring our students have all the tools, support and comprehensive education needed to thrive as successful individuals in high school, college and the years beyond. The funds that Alcott families invest are critical to provide the depth of programming we want for all students here. With your donation, you fund enrichment programs, materials, and infrastructure upgrades throughout the school year that CPS funding alone does not provide.
The 2024-2025 Annual Fund’s goal breaks down to a $1,300 ($144/month recurring gift over 9 months) per-child ask. Please consider a one-time or monthly gift of any amount to continue supporting students' creativity, confidence and critical-thinking through this supplemental funding.
We understand that not all families are able to donate. Contact us to find out other important ways you can help our school be the best it can be!
Donate to the Pledge
The 2024-2025 Annual Fund’s goal breaks down to a $1,300 ($144/month recurring gift over 9 months) per-child ask. Please consider a one-time or monthly gift of any amount to continue supporting Alcott!
email [email protected] with questions
Ways to Pay
Email [email protected] if you need assistance with your donation or to email your pledge card. Alternatively, you can drop off pledge cards or personal checks in the FOA mailbox inside the main doors.
Please include student(s) name.
Donate through Paypal.com: [email protected]