Welcome to Friends of Alcott

Friends of Alcott (FOA) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization made up of volunteers, families, faculty, and local businesses who aim to support Alcott College Prep Elementary through fundraising and community building

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Artwork by Josh Moulton

Thank you to our amazing  Corporate Sponsors!

See the businesses that contributed to Alcott in 2024!


Pledge Drive Results

We have cause for celebration:
WE'VE RAISED $281,399 OF OUR $300,000 GOAL!

We are very grateful to everyone who responded to our outreach to support our school and students. We particularly want to thank the grade captains who were responsible for these outreach efforts.

Thanks to our Pledge Drive supporters, the funds raised this year will go toward continuing Alcott’s incredible trajectory as one of the top PK-8 schools in the Chicagoland area. The Pledge Drive provides funding for drama, music, and STEAM, as well as many capital improvements and free community events.

Congrats to the Mickelsen family for winning the Nintendo Switch and the Keim family for winning the $100 gift card!

Don't forget to ask your company if they participate in corporate matching - this is a simple way to double your donation! Didn't get a chance to donate? Help get all the way to our goal!


Alcott is a supportive community that understands not all families are able to contribute to the Pledge Drive. There are many other ways you can help - email us to find out how!

See our other upcoming events


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